Empowered Ministry School

September 12 & 19 are open weeks! COME Taste and See if Empowered Ministry School is for you before you decide. Experience the instructors, community and encounter God with us - no obligation what-so-ever!


“Going through the school truly changed everything for me, my wife and our family.”

– Stephen

“Every week, I couldn’t wait to get to school to see what the Holy Spirit was going to do.”

– Catherine

Every year we see God meet our students in powerful ways.


Why Empowered Ministry School?


Set Apart For
Love And Power

Empowered Ministry School is your opportunity to encounter God, get on fire and be transformed. A nine-month, once-a-week school, EMS is designed to get you clear and excited about the gospel, anchored in your identity, filled with the Spirit of God and moving in His love and power.

Empowered means you’ll learn about grace and the finished work of Christ, the kingdom and righteousness, personal identity, living as a son/daughter, the Father’s love, revivalists of the past, the person, purpose and gifts of the Holy Spirit, knowing God’s voice, prophesying, praying for healing, sharing Christ, revealing the kingdom and more! You’ll get mentoring and coaching, our three part process for knowing who the Father says you are as a unique daughter/son, as well as strategic exercises to activate and empower you, self-discovery tests and exercises, personal ministry, a community and healing retreat, an outreach retreat, and so more to transform your life!

One season set apart to give yourself to knowing and encountering God can do more to grow you in the truth and intimacy with God than years of going it alone, and we’ve seen it happen to many in the last few years!


Why Set Apart This Season To Encounter God?


Designed To Grow In

We believe revelation and spiritual growth is accelerated through community, people who will seek to love and support you, and grow with and encourage you. You were made to be loved. You were made to be in community.



September 12, 2023—May 6, 2024 

Tuesday evenings 6–8:30pm at

Neighborhood Church of Chico

2801 Notre Dame Blvd.

Chico, Ca 95928


$675 Individuals
$1175 Married couples

Join with a friend $625 per person.

Discounts available for returning students.

Limited payment option available .

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